
La prima volta: le reazioni più divertenti a cose mai viste o fatte prima!

(continua dopo la pubblicità)

Una divertentissima gallery sulle reazioni della gente, la prima volta che fa o vede qualcosa: bambini, nonni, atleti. Date un’occhiata, c’è davvero da divertirsi


I ciclisti del Ruanda si fermano a vedere la loro prima neve. Una nonna prova la realtà virtuale, un’altra si affaccia a quasi cento anni sull’oceano. Il sito Boredpanda mette insieme le reazioni più curiose e divertenti del mondo. Da non perdere…

I ciclisti del Ruanda vedono la neve per la prima volta

Team Rwanda See Snow For The First Ever Time


I sauditi non avevano mai preso l’aereo

Two Saudi Old Men Peering Out The Windows Of A Plane On Their First Time Flying


A 92 anni vede per la prima volta il nipotino

My 92 Year Old Grandmother Meeting My 2 Day Old Daughter For The First Time. Life Comes And Goes, But It's Always Beautiful


A cento anni si affaccia sull’Oceano

100-Year-Old Ruby Holt Sees Ocean For The First Time


La realtà virtuale a 96 anni

My 96-Year-Old Grandma Playing VR For The First Time


Sono fatte così le ballerine?

My Daughter's Reaction To Seeing A Ballerina For The First Time


Anno 1948: per la prima volta vede la tv

Boy Watching Tv For The First Time In An Appliance Store Window, 1948

Il fratellino è nato!

My Daughters Meet Their Baby Brother For The First Time

Ma come si usano le bacchette?

First Time Using Chopsticks


La nonna sbarca alle Hawaii

We Took My Grandma To Hawaii For The First Time


La mamma si ubriaca per la prima volta

My Mum Got Drunk For The First Time In 10 Years Today



Prova la birra in tarda età…

My Grandma Just Tried Beer For The First Time In Her Entire Life

La neve!

My Son Seeing Snow For The First Time


A cento anni finalmente in moto!

Many Years Ago My Great Grandmother Made A Promise That If She Made It To Her 100th Birthday She Would Ride Her First Motorcycle, That Day Has Come


Il primo incontro col papà rientrato dalla guerra

Here Is A Soldier I Was Deployed With Meeting His Daughter For The First Time


La mamma le vede il tatuaggio per la prima volta

Showing My Grandma My Tattoo For The First Time


I bambini cinesi non avevano mai visto i capelli rossi

These Kids In China Have Never Seen Red Hair Before And Asked To Touch It


E questo dunque è il cane?

My Niece Meeting A Dog For The First Time


Davvero papà questo è tuo cugino?

Both Were Unsure Of The Other. Cousins First Meeting


Non ne avevo mai visto uno prima!

My Dad Seeing A Baby Goat For The First Time


Il primo uomo bianco

African Baby Seeing A White Person For The First Time


La nonna armata per la prima volta… forse è meglio farla smettere

This Is My Grandma Firing A Gun For The First Time In Her Life. Enjoy It As Much As She Did


Se questa è la prima reazione, chissà dopo…

Friends Grandma Went To A Grow House For The First Time


E questo cos’è?

Friend's Baby Meets Her First Dog



My Son Wearing Headphones For The First Time


A 101 anni su Snapchat!

My 101-Year-Old Great Grandma Tried Out Snapchat For The First Time


Il primo selfie…  non è mai troppo tardi

My Grandma Took Her First Selfie Today. Using The Front Camera To Take A Mirror Selfie


Vede il pronipote per la prima volta

My Grandmother With Alzheimer's Seeing Her Great-Grandson For The First Time


Il suo primo cane

My Dad Bought Himself A Dog For The First Time In 40 Years, And I Would Say He's Pretty Happy About It


La nonna ha fumato marjiuana per la prima volta, in Colorado, dove la vendita è legale: per un’ora e mezza ha ascoltato musica in trance

I Recently Moved To Colorado, My Grandmother Smoked Pot Legally For The First Time. She Has Been Listening To A Dubstep Frank Sinatra Song On Repeat For An Hour And A Half


La prima volta con la piccola nata prematura

Our Daughter Was Born 10 Weeks Early. My Wife Got To Hold Her For The First Time Yesterday. It Was A Magical Moment


Finalmente una sorellina

My Little Cousin Met His New Sister For The First Time Yesterday


Il primo incontro con la pittura…

My Nephew Had His First Birthday Party This Past Weekend, My Sister Managed To Capture His First Time Experiencing A Feeling We're All Too Familiar With


La nonna al trampolino!

My Grandma Jumped On A Trampoline For Her First Time Ever


Ecco dove finisce l’arcobaleno!

For The First Time In My Life I Saw The End Of A Rainbow


Ma davvero riesco a camminare?

My Daughter Stood Up Straight For The First Time


La vernice appiccica!

My Daughter Playing In/Seeing Rain For The First Time Yesterday



My Niece Experiencing A Swing Set For The First Time. Do You Even Remember This Kind Of Bliss?


Un gatto!

My Kitten And Niece's First Time Meeting. She Insisted On Wearing Cat Ears And A Cat Shirt To Help Break The Ice


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